Storyboard Portfolio

The Flats: Migration Excerpt

Link to a longer edit of the above frog animatic (gives more context).

This is an excerpt from an animatic that I've been working on working off-and-on for the last 2-3 years on my free-time. The intent and purpose of it was to experiment with a "slow cinema" approach to storytelling by referencing directors such as Tarkovsky, Kelly Reichardt, Kubrick, and a handful of others. I spent a lot of time and research on the film-making techniques, camera angles, editing choices, and other such things to try and make it feel authentic to a film produced somewhere between the 1960s-1970s. It is definitely not for everyone, but it was a great project to develop and I learned a lot through it.

Below is roughly the first act of the film if you are curious (though it is still a work in progress).

Aplomb Man Storyboard with the original beatboards included.

The Flats Part 1 Animatic from ChrisParker Extravaganza on Vimeo.

The Flats Parts 1-3 Combined: This storyboard includes the previous animatic as well as two additional sequences after the animatic.


Kalinnikov's 1st Symphony 2nd Movement Animatic

Kalinnikov Animatic Snippet from ChrisParker Extravaganza on Vimeo.
